ICC Rules of Arbitration are used worldwide to resolve business disputes through arbitration. The current Rules are in force as from 1 January 2012.

They define and regulate the conduct of cases submitted to the International Court of Arbitration of ICC. In choosing to follow these rules, parties involved in international business transactions are assured of a neutral framework for the resolution of cross-border disputes.

Commonly known as the ICC Rules, the rules of arbitration govern the conduct of ICC arbitration proceedings from start to finish. They regulate the filing of claims, the constitution of arbitral tribunals, the conduct of proceedings, the rendering of decisions and the determination of costs. While offering security and predictability, the ICC Rules also accommodate any preferences parties in dispute might have with respect to certain aspects of the proceedings, such as the choice of arbitrators, the place, and the language of arbitration. In all matters that are not expressly provided for in the ICC Rules, the Court and Arbitral Tribunal act in the spirit of the Rules and make every effort to have an enforceable Award.

Such balance between flexibility and control has led to the popularity of the ICC Rules in the diverse legal, economic, cultural and linguistic settings of some 180 countries.

The ICC International Court of Arbitration is the only body authorized to administer arbitrations under the Rules.